Saturday, May 1, 2010

I'm so happy ...

Rewind to 3 weeks ago.

11:00 pm. Lucas is driving to Walmart to do some late night errands. I'm asleep. My phone rings like a hundred times because Luke left his wallet home and some 17 year old chick (doing a u-turn) slammed into the car. My car. The insurance company decides to total the car and gives us 2 weeks worth of car rental. 2 weeks is a normal amount of time for people to find and purchase a new vehicle, right?

Maybe. But if you're right in the middle of trying to buy a house, it's not that simple. We had a house picked out and were negotioating with the sellers, who were really adamant about closing by the end of the month. Fine with us. This negotiation goes on for about a week ....

Meanwhile, rental car #1 (a big dodge truck) somehow got a flat tire at the ranch. So we got a cute little Jeep Patriot, which I really liked. I wrecked it 6 days after Luke's wreck. (totally my fault) And the lovely Enterprise rental gave us another car ...

We had to give the rental back last week, but luckily we had some good weather and we used the motorcycle as our second vehicle this week. Unfortunately, the recent snow storms made this impossible the last couple of days. So we've been borrowing a car from our wonderful friends, Brett and MJ, until we could close on the house and buy a new car.

WELL, we closed on Thursday, funded and recorded yesterday, and bought a new car last night. It's like Christmas.

(photo from because ours is at the honda place getting new tires, not as cool as the tires in the picture)

I'm happy. We pick up the car after work today and we'll probably head to the Sandy dog park to celebrate. New car, new house and Brok's birthday, he's 3!


bladenfamily said...

It is WAY better than christmas. What color is your car? Green? And I want to come see your house. I can't believe you wrecked the rental. Please put up some pictures of your house!!!

julieb said...

its soooo cool, lets go for a double date, and take it out for a ride!

Bryndee Slade said...

Wow! It's better than Christmas! I'm jealous. I'm glad your both safe with all those wrecks. Where are you moving? Let's do lunch!! I don't think you've seen Ella in real life yet.