I know 3 years isn't that long, but it's a pretty big deal to me. Our 3-year anniversary is coming up at the end of May, and we decided to really celebrate. We're going to San Francisco. We're lucky enough to have best friends and family out there to show us around and give us a place to sleep. Lucky, right?
We have some ideas about things to do, but it's been years since either of us has been to San Fran, so we need some tips. So far, we're planning a day in Napa Valley, hopefully doing the spa/mud bath/hot springs experience at Callistoga. We also want to do touristy stuff in the city, including Alcatraz, Chinatown, Fisherman's Wharf and all of those things .... and then we're heading down to Monterey for a few days. We want to do some hiking and definitely the aquarium, but what else? I'm sure there are a million things to do ... what are your favorites?
What a great time. I was only able to go for a few days, but we went to Boulder. One of my favorite places in the world ...
1. pretty scenery
2. merlin hall 1925
3. love that tongue
4. pretty scenery
5. family
6. cairn
7. luke & dallan in the staff tent
8. tired brok
9. hot boy
10. fire
11. sunrise
please excuse the different edits on the pictures, I've been playing with PicMonkey ...
Get excited. I'm copying the delightful Jessica Jensen and giving you my very own rendition of Texts Out Of Context. Version 1. I even did a test run at work last night and had my friend Sandy laughing out loud at some of these .... hopefully I can elicit the same response from some of you.
Without further adieu, I give you Texts Out Of Context: V1.
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Have u seen them?!? Ur gonna laugh so hard an be like .... what was the point of this again?? Gah
I will just to fire him up. He seems dickish today.
You can get a faster and stronger uptake with caffeine if you take it anally.
Oh sick, maybe she has a lady crush on you.
Have fun and remember who you are. That's what my mom always says.
If you count eating a bowl of cereal, then yes.
Oh great. Gross. Are you going to have to listen to it?
Boooooo! No way to do what? Hang out and shop? Gamble? Get drunk with you?
Did you smack her? Sorry you're not feeling good.
You are nicer than me ... I'm just waiting for her dog to eat something!
I figured it out! I got herpes from that tattoo shop! Go figure!
I'm used to presents wrapped in blankets.
Dilute it or it will burn. Or take it orally in a capsule.
Yep. Way better than a tumor.
Just cleaned up the biggest blowout. There is poop on my sheets.
Ok it's locked in my office ... with my keys ...
I may or may not be using your trifle dish to make the trifle recipe I stole from your pinterest to make a dessert for a bridal shower I'm hosting.
I purposely hid it so you have to come back.
I'm not in jail ... judge forgave us. I will consider the cigarettes on a more stressful day.
Oh my hell. I would kill myself. Let me know if you need to borrow my gun.
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
In other news, I have this friend. Preston Pugmire. Pretty much the most awesome musician in the history of the world. And really funny. And has the cutest wife, Corine. I really wanted to hear this song of his, Helen, so I thought I would check the youtube and see if I could find it. Here is what I found:
He's famous. I knew he was famous, but he's really famous. And so great.
Pugmires: Can you please meet us in San Fran in June? We'd love to see you.
One more thing. Steph sent me this. I can't get over this baby, he is the cutest thing.
What a great dog.
This morning when my Visiting Teacher stopped by, Brok did the cutest thing. She came in and sat down on the couch, Brok came over to say hi (he loves her because she scratches his ears the whole time she's at my house each month). As soon as he realized who he was dealing with, he ran downstairs. I could hear him messing around down there for a few minutes, then he came back upstairs. He had located the secret stash of Cadbury Mini Eggs I had hidden for myself in the downstairs office and brought one up for her. You know, just the little bags. He was holding it in his (huge) lips and dropped it right at her feet, then laid down with his head on her feet. He's such a dream.
I do know that Brok is not my child. I don't care. I love him just as much.
First of all, have I mentioned how awesome The Hen Movie Club is?? Check it out - I won a giveaway!
Ela does such a great job with the club, we're getting tons of new people involved all the time... and she's giving tons of stuff away on the blog so start following it!
Also, get excited for the May movie, because I PICKED IT! That's right, it's my month to choose, and I chose Dark Shadows. I just love that Johnny Depp.
Maybe I'm crazy, but I love Wes Anderson. I love every single movie he's ever made, and could watch them over and over. I highly recommend each and every one, own them all, and will let you borrow them if you don't know what I'm talking about.
He's got a new one out next month (although it looks like it will be hitting Utah in June ...), and I'm counting down the days. It's called Moonrise Kingdom. I shared the trailer a little while ago, but found this little treat tonight:
Click on this.
Next: I don't know if anyone else reads this blog: bloggity blog ... but this post had me rolling for at least 10 minutes at work tonight.
I wish I was as funny as this girl. She kills me, and she has no idea that I exist and look forward to her every post. She also brings us the best baby names of Rexburg, ID. Every year some newspaper publishes all the names of the babies born in Rexburg (or at least the ones whose parents want to pay for it). She chooses the best ones and shares them each year. Read this, you will love it.
Also, she does texts out of context. I may have to copy her and post some of my own, I have some good ones saved up. Stayed tuned for that.
Today was a really great day. Church was so great this morning. I haven't been to church in like 6 weeks (conference, out of town, working), and I really enjoyed the spirit I felt today. I got to teach Relief Society, which I love, and we discussed the blessings of the temple. What a wonderful topic, and a great reminder to serve in the temple.
I had a super long nap (I'm currently working a graveyard - boo), then we went on a hike up South Fork Canyon to Big Springs. I love Sunday hikes more than life itself. After the hike we went to my parent's house to christen their backyard fireplace. Delicious hot dogs and marshmallows for dinner, then adult talk by the fire while the boys put on a movie.
Does it get any better?
So far April has kept us pretty busy. But busy in a really great way.
We went on Trek with the Focus program at the beginning of the month. Well, I went for a couple of days and then came home for work. Lucas was the King of Trek, and stayed the whole week. I have to say, I love going on Trek with him. I really enjoy regular camping, but seeing him with those kids is another story. He is totally in his element. Wilderness + bossing kids around (for their safety). Pure genius.
I took a bunch of pictures, but they're still on my little camera ... maybe you'll get a separate post on just the camping trip.
Right after coming back from Trek, we headed to the airport - two of my very favorites came to visit! Well, four of my favorites. Ellen and baby Sophi came last Thursday, then Blaine and Olli showed up Friday. We had the best weekend!
We did a little shopping at the new City Creek Mall, had a lovely lunch in Park City with my sister, visited Temple Square (even saw the Mo-Tab live!), and a million other things. It was the best time.
I didn't take nearly enough pictures, but here are a few from a sunny day at Temple Square.
Wow, that's a lot. Sorry, it's just so pretty.
1. Mormon Tabernacle Choir - Music & The Spoken Word
2. from the roof of the Conference Center
3. won't he be a cute dad someday?
4. it's like we're newlyweds
5. cute friends with cute babies
6. temple
7. temple
8. temple
Also, Luke's softball league started last night! He's playing on a team of Journey employees ... they're pretty good.
And one more thing. I don't want to brag, but the greatest thing happened this week. Background: our kids go to group therapy each night for 3 hours ... 2 90-minute groups of varying topics. This week the therapist who teaches Family Therapy told Lucas about a great compliment she heard this week. She had asked the kids about marriage and love and one of the clients said he didn't believe in love. He'd never seen a happy relationship and didn't believe it was possible. Mo spoke up and said that he used to feel the same, but he was really glad he got placed with us because now he knows what love looks like and he thinks he can have a happy marriage.
Ha! We're winning!
PS Thanks Ellen & Blaine for coming, and Blaine gets a double thank-you for bringing a sick baby (who was such a trooper). We love you guys! Come back soon!
Here are some random things from my extra long day at work:
I love the HATCH Collection. If every single item wasn't a million dollars I'd consider shopping here exclusively for when I get pregnant again ... someday ...
I love The Talks - especially Bill Murray. There are interviews with several of my very favorites ...
Have you heard of the Neon Trees? Not to brag, but the drummer (Elaine) used to practice with her previous band in my garage. And, she may or may not have spent several weeks sleeping on my futon. I'm practically famous.
Anyway, they're playing a show in OREM this weekend! Not only that, it's a benefit concert for Autism. We're going to be camping this weekend so we won't be able to go ... but you should if you can! Tickets are only $20! (banner from The Jet Set)
And ... I know I mentioned Instagram last time a blogged ... but I am obsessed with it. Thanks to my dear friend Lorien, I'm participating in Photo A Day April! How fun, right?
And finally, thanks to my dear friend Blaine for this. It's lovely.
PS Blaine & Ellen - 11 days! The countdown is on!!